Curvenote provides lots of defaults to allow you to focus on writing your content, while including enough metadata and semantics to allow you to style it later however you want! This is how Curvenote allows you to write once, and then export to any template.
Paragraph & Headings¶
You can create headings of different sizes, change the size, or return a heading to the standard paragraph text style. Any text within the line will be formatted as your selected heading. You cannot have more than one heading size on a line. Headings are recognized by Curvenote and can be numbered and referenced as sections.
Write /heading 1
⌘ ⌥ 1
with the level of the heading that you include, you can also access Heading or Paragraph formatting using Markdown commands (## Your Heading
) or the options menu when your heading is fully selected.
Inline Styles¶
You can use standard shortcuts (⌘B
, ⌘I
, ⌘U
) for styling bold, italic, and underlined text. Use ⌘K
to create a link. Code can be created by surrounding text with `
. Subscript2, superscript2 can be created using the Editing Toolbar.
Numbered and Bullet Lists¶
You can add either a Bullet Point or Numbered List to your block. You can search for the specific list you want, or see all available list options by typing /list
. When you add a list, you can start from an empty line or place your cursor in front of text you have already added. Only that line of text will be added to your list.
/bullet point list
⌘ ⇧ 8
/numbered list
⌘ ⇧ 7
You can also access list formatting and options using Markdown commands or the editing toolbar. Learn more Markdown Accelerators and Editing Toolbar.
Callout Panels & Admonitions¶
You can create a callout panel with the /callout

- To exit the callout panel, type enter twice at the bottom of the panel.
- To insert text before the panel, hit escape and then the left arrow, then enter.
- To escape all content in the panel, use the
Remove from Container
button in the callout controls.