Aug 22, 2022 - Improvements

We fixed a number of small bugs in the export workflow for maintaining authors that are set in the article frontmatter. We also fixed a bug that would cause the generation of a long-lived API token to fail.

Corresponding authors are now set correctly.

Figure 1:Corresponding authors are now set correctly.

Aug 15, 2022 - ORCID Integration

We have added the ability to integrate directly with your ORCID profile. To do so, click on your profile settings and look under the “Integrations”. You now have the ability to “Connect with ORCID”, which is a persistent ID for researchers that is widely adopted in scientific communication.

Connect your Curvenote and ORCID accounts.

Figure 2:Connect your Curvenote and ORCID accounts.

Clicking the connect button will allow you to login with your ORCID account and authorize Curvenote to access your profile. At this time we only pull your ORCID ID from the integration. Once you have authorized ORCID, your information will show up in your account!

Successful ORCID integration.

Figure 3:Successful ORCID integration.

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Project editors are no longer presented a working user interface for project delete. This looked like it worked for project editors, but never succeeded. The user interface is now consistent with the API.
  • The project modal close button occasionally was hidden, requiring an application refresh. This has been fixed!

Aug 5, 2022 - Merge together open source repositories

We have merged all of our curvenote and editor repositories together, and improved the build time and developer experience.

This has simplified the install and build experience, and will lead to speeding up things for end users as well! 🚀

Aug 2, 2022 - Performance improvements

We have doubled the page load for large notebooks in the Curvenote application. There should also be improvements for typing in the app, as all sorts of things got a bit of a performance boost with these changes!

Jul 28, 2022 - Hidden pages in published documents

You can now hide an article or notebook when you are publishing by clicking on the block settings. This allows you to have some content in the Curvenote app that never makes it public.

Hide the article or notebook when publishing.

Figure 4:Hide the article or notebook when publishing.

Jul 20, 2022 - Site Publish

You can now publish directly to a Curvenote website from the web application, this is a great way to share a professional report or website with your colleagues or show off your work. Each project now can deploy to a site, and the site has some configuration and includes the domains that you will publish to. You can publish to any * domain as part of the community plan. Read more in the docs about web hosting.

Setting site configuration from the project settings.

Figure 5:Setting site configuration from the project settings.

Once you have set up your domains, you can publish your site to those domains. In about 30 seconds you will have an awesome new website to share! This can be easily updated next time you hit publish.

Easily publish your Curvenote project to a number of domains.

Figure 6:Easily publish your Curvenote project to a number of domains.

Removing Advanced Publishing

The web-publishing features are replacing the “Advanced Publishing” options that allowed you to publish a portion of your site, we will be adding those sorts of features back in over the coming weeks, as well as adding more options to the site beyond setting domains. Stay tuned! 🚀

We have updated the links to recognize on pasted links as well as work better with trailing punctuation:

We also introduced some site configuration APIs that support some upcomming changes to allow you to publish from the application!

Jul 12, 2022 - Thumbnails & Tags

Thumbnails and tags now sync to curvenote sites, and are downloaded when you export your project. These have also been linked through to the sites and show up with a title, description, and thumbnail in applications like Twitter, Slack, and more.

Jul 5, 2022 - New Website

Today we released a new version of that integrates our blog, documentation, weeknotes, changelog, marketing site, API and app all into one update site! Behind the scenes of this work is improvements that will allow theming and more versatile use of the Curvenote platform in the future.

Documentation on served up by the Curvenote platform!

Figure 8:Documentation on served up by the Curvenote platform!

The new setup means that it is incredibly easy for us to deploy new content to our website, and yours too if you create one using Curvenote! 🙂

Jul 3, 2022 - Welcome to July!

We are starting off the month by releasing some updates to our website that have better incorporated the website changes into The blog, docs, release notes, and more now live directly on under /blog and /docs and we have introduced some custom themes etc. that allow us to reuse the writing components with any other components (e.g. a custom footer and header for our site). We will be rolling out these changes so other people can do this in the future as well!

Custom content directly on using our publishing infrastructure.

Figure 9:Custom content directly on using our publishing infrastructure.