arXiv templates & Rebranding Curvenote

Week of August 2, 2021

This week we look at some of the new export templates that have been added to Curvenote recently and the templating command-line tool that we have just pushed to pypi. Curvenote now has single and two column templates suitable for preprints on arXiv and EarthArXiv and the full template for the Volcanica Journal.

The release notes for that are below 👇

Aug 6, 2021 - New Export Templates¶

We have deployed a set of templates this week including:

  • arXix - single and two column
  • EarthArXiv - single and two column
  • AGU Journal format
  • Volcanica Journal

We need to add some options to make these fully functional and submission-ready for both PDF and LaTeX\LaTeX exports, but already these are close and usable for drafting and initial sumissions.

This week we are also working through a rebrand of Curvenote and website that we are planning to launch in a few weeks!