Thumbnails & Meeting in Person

Week of July 11, 2022

This week we’ve been busy on publishing directly from the Curvenote web-app, we will be able to tell you more next week. Meanwhile, we shipped some changes to meta tag information for Curvenote websites including adding thumbnails for social images and previews when you paste or share a link.

By default, Curvenote will look for and use the first image from your Article or Notebook and use that as the thumbnail, but you can also override that by specifying a thumbnail field in the page or project Frontmatter when working locally, or by uploading a thumbnail image via the Article settings when working in

Thumbnail and meta information from a link to our weeknotes, shared in Slack.

Figure 1:Thumbnail and meta information from a link to our weeknotes, shared in Slack.

Curvenote Retreat 2022

This week the Curvenote team got together in one room for the first time. We’re a small remote team so meeting up like this was a great chance to chat outside of google meet, plan and do some group programming.

The Curvenote team! from the left - Yuxi, Steve, Rowan & Franklin.

Figure 2:The Curvenote team! from the left - Yuxi, Steve, Rowan & Franklin.

As well as hitting the trails and steaks in Banff, we spent time equalizing knowledge across our broad code base, especially going into details on some of the open source projects like MyST and Thebe that our team has been leading contributions on. We also planned and started implementing out our next-generation build system, which uses a lot of the same tools we use to deploy curvenote websites for researchers and authors who work with us.