This week half of the Curvenote team is busy in grant application mode, a good step back, take stock, and plan exercise which we’re happy about but also are keen to be done with and back developing.
Looking at some recent features we now have cards appearing when people hover over internal links. This lets you look ahead and get context readily and the hover function is something that we’d like to use for figures, equations and citations too rather than click.

Figure 1:Hover over any internal link in Curvenote to see a description and thumbnail.
We’re still making progress on our templating capabilities, we had a great conversation this week with SPIE and are keen to talk to more journals, conference organizers and professional organizations about how we can support the SPIE Proceedings Template.

Figure 2:You can create a paper with the SPIE template.
We’ve been doing SEO work to begin ranking people’s public content on Google, and as part of that, we have been building (automatically) sitemaps. So we’ve found some wonderful content from our user’s that we didn’t know about and so far isn’t that discoverable (we’re going to change that).
Next week we’re going to showcase some of that work!
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Other resources from Curvenote tagged featureseoweeknote

This week we hosted a webinar showing off our new publishing in-app no-code publishing features

An is a persistent digital identifier for researchers which is widely used. You can now conenct your ORCID account directly to your Curvenote profile.

Publishing Curvenote sites became even easier last week when we launched our new publish button in the Curvenote editor.

You can now publish directly from the Curvenote platform, including setting domains in the project settings.

We added thumbnails to the article frontmatter, as well as met up with the whole Curvenote team in person for the first time!

We overhauled the site to make better use of the new publishing tools and CLI.