Initial page load of Curvenote is 50% faster ⚡⚡⚡
This week we improved the speed of Curvenote by moving our api
onto the same domain as the app, which avoids Preflight-Requests
. These each took ~80ms, and without them each request is about 30% faster!
We are also now pre-rendering information for the application that allows the initial load to speed up, this saves about a second per page-load. There were also some duplicated network requests that have been removed, as well as the bundle size of our packages are all much smaller now.
We also discussed the emerging of client-side computation powered by Web Assembly (WASM) for Jupyter started to look at pyodide and https://
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Other resources from Curvenote tagged performanceweeknote

This week we hosted a webinar showing off our new publishing in-app no-code publishing features

An is a persistent digital identifier for researchers which is widely used. You can now conenct your ORCID account directly to your Curvenote profile.

Publishing Curvenote sites became even easier last week when we launched our new publish button in the Curvenote editor.

You can now publish directly from the Curvenote platform, including setting domains in the project settings.

We added thumbnails to the article frontmatter, as well as met up with the whole Curvenote team in person for the first time!

We overhauled the site to make better use of the new publishing tools and CLI.