Try Curvenote Websites

Using the Curvenote CLI to deploy your MyST website is the fastest and easiest way to get your content online. is a free dedicated hosting service for MyST websites that is linked with your account on

You can deploy multiple websites to to subdomains of your choice either at or and your content will be made live immediately and served using fast, modern web hosting infrastructure backed by Vercel and Google Cloud.

Use to publish academic websites, project documentation or reports, preprints, or anything else that will fit into a MyST Website. Some examples of open technical content published on by our users are:

Start publishing your MyST Websites now, setup the Curvenote CLI and configure your project.

Online Service

Curvenote provides a service called Launchpad, hosted at, that allows you to generate a website directly from a GitHub or GitLab repo.

Use Launchpad to:

  • Quickly and easily share materials in markdown and notebooks on a unique randomized URL.
  • Try out Curvenote’s website generation on your material before deploying a permanent website that you can maintain and update.