How To
MyST Websites

Custom domains

You can use Curvenote to host any custom domain that you own, for example a personal blog, lab-website, or journal. Note that custom domains are a feature of the Curvenote Pro plan (see plans) or require a subscription to a Lab Group site or Journal that is hosted with Curvenote.

Update DNS

🛠️ Navigate to your domain’s DNS configuration, and add the following CNAME record:

Host nameTypeTTLData

Once you have completed that step, send an email with the domain and we will ensure it is setup on our side. This will be automated in the future! 🤖

🛠️ Email and include:

  • domain name (e.g.
  • Curvenote username or team name that owns this domain (e.g. rowanc1)
  • Your journal name, if appropriate

Deploying a stand-alone site

🛠️ Add this domain to your site configuration under the domains: list. You can also keep the original domains in there if you wish.


🛠️ Redeploy your site using curvenote deploy

You will not be able to complete this step if the domain is not configured by us! Once successful, you will see the domain(s) that you are deploying to in the list, and check that your domain is now visible at your custom subdomain.

Naked Domains

If you wish to support “naked domains” (e.g., please contact support. Alternatively, you can redirect your naked domain to a www subdomain and then point that to using the CNAME method above.