
This has the list of all commands for the Curvenote CLI, you can use the help curvenote -h on any command and this will print the help for the command or service. To see the version of Curvenote, use curvenote -v. For debugging, use the -d or --debug flag and all debug commands will be logged, use this if any commands fail.

Getting Started

These commands are designed with prompts to get you started easily and point you to other information on how to get started.

curvenote init

Creates a project from a directory or clones a remote Curvenote project.

  • -y or --yes: Follows the defaults for initializing a project.
  • --write-toc: Write an explicit table of contents.

After calling curvenote init you will have a local folder with a curvenote.yml that defines all site and project settings.

curvenote clone

Clone a remote Curvenote project, and brings all markdown, notebooks, and site configuration to your local folder.

Optional arguments

  • [remote]: specify the remote project URL, e.g. if this is not supplied, the CLI will ask you for a remote project URL.
  • [folder]: specify the local folder to clone into, must not exist. When paired with -y below the folder will be chosen as content/name where name is the name of the Curvenote project.


  • -y or --yes: Follows the defaults for which local folder to clone to, you must provide a remote.

If you are cloning in a folder that already contains a site, then this command will also add the project to your curvenote site.projects list as well as an entry into the navigation.

Working Locally

curvenote start

Start a local server that live-reloads when you make changes.

  • -c or --clean: clean all cached content, including images. Clean is called before a curvenote deploy.
  • -f or --force: force re-install all dependencies. Helpful to reset the curvenote web server as well as pull any new changes.
  • --branch: Branch to clone from Helpful for testing out new features or in development.
  • --keep-host: The HOST environment variable is by default localhost, and will be changed by default. Setting this flag will allow the HOST environment variable to be passed into the web server, and may cause it to crash if it is malformed.

curvenote build

Build all content locally, this is called by start and deploy. You can use this to write a table of contents, or check links or any other issues without starting a server.

  • -c or --clean: clean all cached content, including images. Clean is called before a curvenote deploy.
  • -f or --force: force re-install all dependencies. Helpful to reset the curvenote web server as well as pull any new changes.
  • --branch: Branch to clone from Helpful for testing out new features or in development.
  • --write-toc: Write an explicit table of contents.
  • -ci: Skip the installation and just create build folders for deployment. Helpful when working in a continuous integration system, like deploying from GitHub.
  • --strict: Summarize build warnings and stop on any errors.
  • --check-links: Check all links to external websites resolve.


curvenote deploy

  • -y or --yes: Do not ask if you are sure you want to deploy!
  • -f or --force: force re-install all dependencies. Helpful to reset the curvenote web server as well as pull any new changes.
  • -ci: Skip the installation and just create build folders for deployment. Helpful when working in a continuous integration system, like deploying from GitHub.
  • --strict: Summarize build warnings and stop on any errors.
  • --check-links: Check all links to external websites resolve.

Use the setting in your curvenote.yml to configure which site to deploy to.

Syncing Content

curvenote pull

Pull content from a remote Curvenote project or document. This command will overwrite any local content.

  • [path]: the path to a local project folder or file with a remote configured, if omitted all content will be pulled.
  • -y or --yes: Do not ask if you want to override the files.

You can pull both an entire project, or a single file.