There are no tracking cookies added to a site by default, however, you may want to know more about basic analytics for your domain. There are two analytics tracking codes that currently supports:

  1. Google Analytics; and
  2. Plausible, which is privacy-friendly alternative to Google.

These are set using the analytics: part of your site configuration using either a google: or a plausible: key.

Google Analytics

Use the configuration, with the contents being your Measurement ID (G-XXXXXX) or Tracking ID (UA-XXXXXX).

version: 1
    google: UA-XXXXX # Measurement ID or Tracking ID

See Google Analytics docs for more information on how to find this Measurement ID.


Use the configuration, with the contents being the domain you are tracking.

version: 1
    plausible: # Domain(s) to track

See Plausible docs for more information on how to find the domain. Note, you only copy in the contents of: data-domain="COPY_THIS", which can be a comma-separated list for multiple domains.

Testing your integration

Run curvenote start and view the page source. The analytics section should be in the <head> section of the HTML, you should also start to see real-time tracking in your dashboard.

Deploy your site using curvenote deploy to have these be integrated into your live site.